Wireless shoes for the elderly






I just received this “magazine” from my wireless provider.


There was a pair of articles of interest in the back of the magazine on wireless shoes for the elderly and wireless pill bottles for the elderly.

The ad is not about selling slippers or pill bottles but the idea that AT&T is at the forefront of innovation.  That they are coming up with new and helpful ideas.

But are these the right kind of ideas to use to sell your company?

In the US 46 million Americans do not have health insurance and seniors find it more difficult to afford health care even if they are on Medicare. Escalating costs are a major cause of these problems.

Seniors have been writing down when they take their pills and have been calling to check on each other for years.  AT&T are suggesting expensive innovations to solve problems which do not exist.

Is this what AT&T wants to sell?  Probably not.  I think one impetus behind the story about the wireless slipper is the “gee whiz” factor of showing something from a Jetson’s like future.  It’s an example of advertising which works,  only if you don’t think about it and make the connection to health care costs.

UPDATE: Okay, I stand corrected


tracking Alzheimer’s patients is a great idea.

About William Ashton

I'm an associate professor in the Behavioral Sciences Department and the Director of the York College Honors Program. I'm a social psychologist and currently my research project is in attribution theory, blame and sexual assault. I teach Social Psych, I/O Psych, Organizational Behavior and Research Methods.
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