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Tag Archives: guerrilla
Someone, probably OWS (Occupy Wall Street) related, commandeered a few phone booth ad displays. and leads to this link
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Tagged co-opting, consumer-misbehavior, guerrilla, hoax, street-art
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Stealth campaign against Obama
Reuters, January 10—In an historical political move, the marketing team of Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has launched a diabolical nationwide public bathroom advertising campaign against President Barack Obama. An anonymous Romney spokesperson says the hot air hand dryer stickers … Continue reading
A viral marketing scheme unfolding? You have 30 days to pay me $5,000,000..
I saw this uneventful video [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM68NZ2vFHA[/youtube] of someone building a remote controlled car with a video camera on it, who travels to a pyramid and sends the car down into the structure. The video ends with, “You have 30 days to … Continue reading
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Tagged guerrilla, video, viral
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