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Author Archives: William Ashton
Interview with a hoaxster: How I fooled the Daily Mail with fake pic
The snow photo started as a joke between friends, because we were fed up with people getting excited over a little flutter of snow, so we were posting old photos of deep snow and saying it was this week in … Continue reading
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Tagged hoax
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[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkOQw96cfyE[/youtube] http://www.johnst.com/ I’ve often wondered what percent of the internet is cats.
Specific demographic segment
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cip0TY91sjI[/youtube] and Boldly Go Originally uploaded by zetetics.
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged demographics, humor, print, video
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A viral marketing scheme unfolding? You have 30 days to pay me $5,000,000..
I saw this uneventful video [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM68NZ2vFHA[/youtube] of someone building a remote controlled car with a video camera on it, who travels to a pyramid and sends the car down into the structure. The video ends with, “You have 30 days to … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged guerrilla, video, viral
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Vintage ads on vintage train
MTA is running its Nostalgia Shopping Train on Saturdays before Christmas on the Sixth Avenue Line (the M) between Queens Plaza and Second Avenue. The cars have vintage 1930’s advertising Photos (c) of agent j loves agent a on Flickr.
Shepard Fairey, Obama and Occupy
Shepard Fairey is the graffiti artist who originally was famous for his Andre the Giant has a posse/Obey series However, recently Fairey’s claim to fame has been for designing the Obama Hope poster Now Fairey has re-designed the poster for … Continue reading
Bad ad placement
Is when this ad … is next to this ad like this …